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Yoga Games
Let's feel 'Mindfulness' with fun Yoga Games!
<Game for Focusing>
- No Dropping Game Click here
<Games for Breathing>
- Go with a Straw! Click here
- Go with Cobra Pose! Click here
It's the part of
KIDS YOGA Teacher Training Online Course.
Click here
アンカー 1
< No Dropping Game >
It's the game of Passing a Yoga Block with hands or elbows or legs being Boat Pose! Let's do it singing 'Row row row your boat' song!
You can also use a stuffed toy instead of a Yoga Block.
<How to do>
1. Make a circle.
2. Be Boat Pose.
3 Pass a Yoga Block singing 'Row row row your boat'.
Level 1 Sit with your legs crossed or stretched, pass a Yoga Block.
Level 2 Sit with your legs crossed or stretched, hold a Yoga Block with Elbows. Pass it.
Level 3 Be a Boat Pose, pass a Yoga Block with Hands.
Level 4 Be a Boat Pose, hold a Yoga Blocks with Feet. Pass it. You can put your hands down on the mat.
★You can change the direction of passing. You can say 'Let's pass this way' 'Let's pass the other way' pointing the passing direction.
-Improved concentration, balancing ability and cooperative skills.
< Go with a Straw! >
This game is to go forward moving a small pom pom by a straw.
<How to do>
1. Give a pom pom and a straw for each student.
2. Make a line side by side.
3. Put the pom pom on the floor.
4. Inhale through mouth or nose.
5. Blow a straw and move the pom pom.
This game is suitable for Parent-child class and Kids class.
< Go Cobra pose! >
This game is to go forward moving a small pom pom with cobra pose.
<How to do>
1. Make a line side by side.
2. Be a Baby cobra pose .
3. Put a pom pom between hands.
4. Inhale through nose, and make a hissing sound like cobra.
5. Move the pom pom with blowing. Exhale as long as possible.
This game is suitable for Kids class.
These games for breathing let children focus on inhaling and exhaling. By moving a pom pom, children can see the length of exhaling by sight.
アンカー 2
アンカー 3
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