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 Partner Yoga 


Partner Yoga makes our bond deepened.

< Parent-child Class >

Double tree pose  Click here

Seesaw pose  Click here

- Check also Syllabus 27. Baby Yoga ideas  Click here

< Kids Class >

Double boat pose   Click here

Double tree pose    Click here

Seesaw pose    Click here

It's the part of 

KIDS YOGA Teacher Training Online Course.  

Click here

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< Parent-child Class >

Double tree pose  

A mommy (daddy) becomes a tree pose at first, then she holds her child's hand. The child becomes a tree pose. It's easier to balance tree pose for the child rather than doing alone.

Seesaw pose

< Sitting posture version >

A mommy sits down with her legs crossed. Her child stands behind her. Then hold hands near the mommy's shoulders.

After that, bend forward like child's leaning on the mommy's back. Then slowly come up. Repeat few times.

< Open legs version > 

A mommy and her child sit with their legs opened facing each other. Hold hands, bend forward and backward.

< Kids Class >

Double boat pose

Be a boat pose, then hold hands together. Sing 'Row row row your boat'.


Double tree pose   

Be a tree pose, hold hands each other, by two kids or a group making a circle. 

Seesaw pose 

< Sitting posture version > 

Sit with their back faced. One kid bends forward, another kid leans on the kid's back. Do it in turns.  

< Open legs version > 

Kids sit with their legs opened facing each other. Hold hands, bend forward and backward.

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