KIDS YOGA Community
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Mellisa Dormoy
Mellisa Dormoy is the founder of ShambalaKids school of meditation and mindfulness, guided imagery expert and best-selling author. She teaches self-esteem, stress management and social skills to children and teens all over the globe through her books, kids meditation audios and meditation APP.
- Mellisa's Books Click here
- ShambalaKids Website Click here
The guided mindfulness meditations were created to help children (3-12 years old) discover the path towards a calm, focused and happy life.
Our engaging and imaginative stories and mindfulness tools will help your child:
➺ Become more focused and attentive
➺ Maintain emotional well-being
➺ Create peaceful bedtime routine 💤
➺ Alleviate anxiety and stress
➺ Keep them entertained
➺ Encourage creativity
➺ Teach social skills, personal values and healthy boundaries
We offer all this through our breathing and relaxation exercises, fun and magical trips to visit adorable animal friends, like Rosa the Unicorn, visits to castles
visits to castles in the clouds, by making friends with fairies and just simply blowing big bubbles to let go of worries.