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KIDS YOGA Teacher Training Certification Course
※Certification Course is unavailable right now. Sorry for incovinience.
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Certification Course includes:
- Proffesional certification (PDF)
- You can contact us by email anytime.
- We make your profile page on our website if you'd like.
- Certified Teachers Click here
- We review your lesson practice (Yoga Adventure that you created) video once. You need to submit the video for completing the Certification Course.
-There is no renewal cost for the certification.
-Submit the Yoga adventure practice video within 2 weeks after you paid a registration fee.
-There is no live lesson.
-There is no additional materials. All materials are on KIDS YOGA Teacher Training page.
-It's our original certification. We don't collaborate with any other yoga alliance certification.
-The lesson video is just a Yoga Adventure part. Please include from 6 to 10 poses.
< Cancellation Policy >
Once the payment is completed, it's no refundable for any reason.
- Fees: 150 USD → 50 USD Special offer now!
You can pay with Paypal.
Please pay after you register.
For registration, please write your information below and submit to
・Your Full name
・Your Birthday
・Address of your house (Country, city, street number, apartment number)
・Phone number in your country
・Introduction of yourself and the reason why you'd like to take this course
If you don't write the information correctly and use proper English politely, we won't accept your registration. Only passionate, diligent and pure students are accepted. We face your passion seriously. If you don't reply to our email, or you're impolite, we decline your registration.
<PDF of Policy >

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