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KIDS YOGA Pose Dictionary
You can refer to these kids yoga poses! But you and kids can 'Create' your own pose as well! Poses don't have to be 'Correct'.
Be Creative!
・Animal Poses
・Sea animal Poses
・Bug poses
・Basic Yoga Poses
・Transportation poses
・Food poses
・Sweets Wonderland Yoga poses
・North Pole Yoga poses
・Halloween Yoga poses
・Christmas Yoga poses
・Spring Easter Yoga poses
・Under the SEA Yoga poses
・Summer Beach Yoga poses
・Farm Yoga poses
・Rainy Yoga poses
・Mountain Yoga poses
KIDS YOGA Teacher Training Online Course Click here
Basic Yoga Pose
<Basic Yoga Poses >
Baby Cobra pose
Lie down on your stomach. Place your hands near your chest. Look up.
Boat pose
Sit down with your legs stretched. Raise your both legs together. Put your arms parallel to the floor.
Bow pose (Rocking Horse)
Lie down on your stomach. Bend your knees. Catch your ankles. Lift your upper body and legs.
Bridge pose
Lie down on your back. Lift your bottoms up. Support your back with your hands.
Camel pose
Put your knees down on the mat. Support your back with your hands. Look back.
Cat pose
Get down on your hands and knees. Look up. Stretch your back.
Cow pose
Get down on your hands and knees. Look down. (Look your belly button.) Curl your back.
Cat and Cow Pose
Do Cat and Cow pose alternately.
Chair pose
Stand with your feet together. Bend your knees. Raise your hands. Bend forward slightly.
Child pose (Mouse)
Get down on your hands and knees. Put your bottoms down on your feet. Put your head down on the ground.
Dancer pose
Stand straight. Hold your right ankle with your right hand. Raise your right leg. Balance on your left leg.
Downward Dog (Downward facing Dog) pose
Get down on your hands and feet. Lift your bottoms up.
Eagle pose
Stand straight. Put your right arm on your left arm. Put your left leg on your right leg. Bend forward.
Extended Cat pose
Get down on your hands and knees. Place your hands forward. Stretch your back.
Fish Pose
Lie down on your back. Palms on the ground. Put your hands under your bottom. Chest up. Be a fish, make bubbles!
Half lotus pose
Sit with your leg crossed.
Lotus pose
Sit with your leg crossed. Put your both feet on your each thigh.
Reverse Table Top pose
Sit with your bottoms. Place your hands backward with your hands facing inward. Lift your bottoms.
Table Top pose
Get down on your hands and knees.
Tree pose
Stand straight with your feet together. Put your foot inside thigh. Palms together. (Then raise your arms or open your arms parallel to the floor.)
Triangle pose
Stand straight with your feet together. Step your right foot forward widely. Put your right arm down.Hold your right leg with your right hand. Put your left arm up.Look up.
Twist pose (Lying)
Lie down on your back. Put your feet together. Raise your right leg. Twist to the left side.
Twist pose (Sitting)
Sit with your leg stretched. Put your right leg over the left. Bend your left leg. Spine straight. Twist to the right side.
Upper Dog pose (Upper facing Dog)
Lie down on your stomach. Place your hands near your chest. Extend your arms.(Your pelvis isn't on the floor).
Stand straight with your feet together. Step your right foot forward widely. Bend your right knee 90 degrees. Put your hands up. Look straight. (Look up.)
Stand straight with your feet together. Step your right foot forward widely. Bend your right knee 90 degrees. Open your arms parallel to the floor. Look forward.
Warrior Ⅲ
Stand straight with your feet together. Raise your right leg backward. Extend your arms parallel to the floor.
Boat pose
Child pose
Chair Pose
Downward facing dog
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